Himera (Sicily, IT)

Excavation reports (download pdf): Excavation report Himera 2020 (AntK 64, 2021) – online onlyExcavation report Himera 2018 (AntK 62, 2019)Excavation report Himera 2017 (AntK 61, 2018)Excavation report Himera 2016 (AntK 60, 2017)Excavation report Himera 2015 (AntK 59, 2016)Excavation report Himera 2014 (AntK 58, 2015)Excavation report Himera 2013 (AntK 57, 2014)Excavation report Himera 2012 (AntK 56, … Continue reading “Himera (Sicily, IT)”

Studienreise Antike Kunststätte am Golf von Neapel

11. March 2016 – 20. March 2016 @ – Studienreise für die Vereinigung der Freunde antiker Kunst Details zur Reise.pdf Auskunft, Preise und Anmeldung direkt bei der Reiseleiterin: Dr. Sophia Kaempf-Dimitriadou, Archäologin 72070 Tübingen Schlossbergstrasse 31 Deutschland Email: sophiakaempf@t-online.de

Kalamas (Thesprotie) (GR)

Excavation reports (download pdf): Excavation report 2015 (AntK 59, 2016) Please login or register to download files ➝ Excavation report 2015 (AntK 59, 2016)

Orikos (AL)

Excavation Reports (download pdf): Excavation Report Orikos 2014 (AntK 58, 2015) Please login or register to download files ➝ Excavation Report Orikos 2014 (AntK 58, 2015)

Monte Iato (IT)

Excavation reports (download pdf): You can download the excavation reports free of charge below. If you need higher resolutions, please contact us: publisher@antikekunst.ch. Excavation report Monte Iato 2021 (AntK 65, 2022)Excavation report Monte Iato 2019 and 2020 (AntK 64, 2021)Excavation report Monte Iato 2018 (AntK 62, 2019)Excavation report Monte Iato 2017 (AntK 61, 2018)Excavation report … Continue reading “Monte Iato (IT)”

Kataliontas-Kourvellos (CY)

Excavation reports (download pdf): Excavation report Kataliontas-Kourvellos 2015 (in AntK 59, 2016) Please login or register to download files ➝ Excavation report Kataliontas-Kourvellos 2015 (in AntK 59, 2016)

Sophia Kaempf-Dimitriadou: Führung Ausstellungen in Frankfurt und Trier

28. July 2016 – 31. July 2016 @ – Sonderexkursion mit der Vereinigung der Freunde antiker Kunst zu den Ausstellungen Frankfurt „Athen: Triumph der Bilder” und Trier „Nero – Kaiser, Künstler, Tyrann”   Beide Ausstellungen sind hochkarätige Ereignisse! In Frankfurt werden die alten Feste Athens anhand von zahlreichen Kunstwerken in Bezug zum attischen Mythos gezeigt. In den alten Riten, Prozessionen und Opferfesten werden die […]

Francavilla Marittima (IT)

Every summer since 2009, the Institute of Classical Archaeology of the University of Basel has been conducting a research and training excavation, directed by Prof. Dr. Martin A. Guggisberg, at Francavilla Marittima (CS) in southern Italy. The research is focused on an Iron Age necropolis situated at the margin of the Sibaritide, a coastal plain … Continue reading “Francavilla Marittima (IT)”

Spina (IT)

Excavation reports (download pdf): Please login or register to download files ➝ Excavation report Spina 2007-2009 in AntK 54, 2011

Guided Tours

No guided tours in English are planned at present.If you wish to organise a guided tour for our Association please contact us. Dr. Sophia Kaempf-DimitriadouSchlossbergstrasse 31D-72070 TübingenDeutschlandTel. 0049 – 7071 – 81230Fax: 0049 – 7071 – 83113


Sie können nachstehend die Single Articles frei herunterladen. Sollten Sie höhere Auflösungen benötigen, nehmen Sie mit uns Kontakt auf: publisher@antikekunst.ch. You can download the Single Articles free of charge below. If you need higher resolutions, please contact us: publisher@antikekunst.ch. Vous pouvez télécharger gratuitement les Single Articles ci-dessous. Si vous avez besoin de résolutions plus élevées, … Continue reading “Zeitschrift-Archiv”

Excavation Reports

Under the following links you can download the PDFs of the excavation reports (OA). Ecole suisse d’archéologie en Grèce1   Erétrie et Amarynthos (GR)2   Mazi (GR)3   Baie de Kiladha (GR) 14  Anticythère (GR)15  Styra, drakospita (GR)16  Égine (GR) Études et travaux archéologiques genevois3   Baie de Kiladha (GR)5   Kroton / Cerenzia (IT)8   Lilibeo (Sicily, IT)14  Anticythère (GR) 4     Francavilla Marittima (IT) 6     Himera (IT) 7 … Continue reading “Excavation Reports”

Activity Reports

Here you will find the activity reports of our Association to download: Activity Report 2021 (Antike Kunst 65, 2022)Activity Report 2020 (Antike Kunst 64, 2021)Activity Report 2019 (Antike Kunst 63, 2020)Activity Report 2018 (Antike Kunst 62, 2019)Activity Report 2017 (Antike Kunst 61, 2018)Activity Report 2016 (Antike Kunst 60, 2017)Activity Report 2015 (Antike Kunst 59, 2016)Activity … Continue reading “Activity Reports”

Claude Bérard, Embarquement pour l’image.

Antike Kunst Beiheft 20 CLAUDE BÉRARD EMBARQUEMENT POUR L’IMAGE. UNE ÉCOLE DU REGARD Édition et préface Anne-Françoise Jaccottet Price for members and online-orders CHF 75.- Price for students CHF 45.- place your order with: publisher@antikekunst.ch (in the bookshop: CHF 99.-) Contenu L’ouvrage rassemble 24 articles de Claude Bérard publiés entre 1976 et 2007. Chaque article, … Continue reading “Claude Bérard, Embarquement pour l’image.”

Instructions to Authors

Preface 2023 Instructions to Authors (PDF) ANTIKE KUNST publishes articles in German, French, Italian and English on subjects concerning Classical Art and Archaeology. The journal is published annually. Texts and images published in Antike Kunst are available under the License CC-BY. Deadlines for articles: Articles are subject to peer review and should be submitted for … Continue reading “Instructions to Authors”