ANTIKE KUNST publishes articles in German, French, Italian and English on subjects concerning Classical Art and Archaeology. The journal is published annually and is based on the Green Open Access guidelines. Texts and images published in Antike Kunst are available under the License CC-BY.
Für die englische Homepage:
ANTIKE KUNST publishes articles in German, French, Italian and English on subjects concerning
Classical Art and Archaeology. The journal is published annually and is based on the Green
Open Access guidelines. Texts and images published in Antike Kunst are available under the
License CC-BY.
Deadlines for articles:
Articles are subject to peer review and should be submitted for consideration by May 1st in order to be published in the volume of the following year.
Manuscripts should be sent by e-mail or via a web transfer platform to:, Dr. Aleksandra Mistireki, Redaktion Antike Kunst, c/o Universität Basel, Klassische Archäologie, Petersgraben 51, 4051 Basel, Switzerland. Inquiries can also be addressed to
Deadlines for excavation reports:
Excavation reports should be submitted for consideration by January 31st in order to be published in the volume of the current year. They should be addressed to the head of the institution which is responsible for the project (i.e. of the department of archaeology of one of the Swiss Universities or of the Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece [ESAG]).
Submission of a manuscript implies that it has not been simultaneously published or submitted elsewhere. By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that the copyright for their article is transferred to the publisher if and when the article is accepted for publication in Antike Kunst. The copyright covers the non exclusive and worldwide right to reproduce and distribute the article in its original or abridged form by means of printing, reprinting or any other method deemed appropriate by the publisher including electronic media, photographic reproductions, microfilm or any other reproductions of similar nature, as well as translations in any language.
Offprints in digital format and Antike Kunst online
After the journal has been published, authors will receive copies of their articles in digital format. Authors may post the authorised data file immediately and free of charge on a repository of their choice, the homepage of their research institute, and their personal website.
However, the editorial office expressly points out that they are wholly responsible for image rights and any costs arising therefrom.
As soon as the printed volume has been published, the entire periodical is also made available on the JSTOR platform at In addition, the articles and the reports of Swiss excavations in the Mediterranean region can be freely accessed at All DOI references are currently traceable via <>.
- Send your manuscript and photos by e-mail or via a web transfer platform to:
- Articles must not contain more than 90,000 characters with spaces (40,000 for excavation reports; 50,000 for contributions attached to excavation reports), including footnotes, lists, etc.
- The article should be accompanied by an abstract (no more than 20 lines, 1000 characters), which will be published in German and French in the journal. Translations will be taken care of by the editor. Authors will also provide a list of a maximum of 5 to 10 keywords summarizing the main topics of their paper in the language of their contribution.
- Font size 12 pt (including footnotes), line spacing 1.5, left and right margins of at least 2 cm.
- No hyphenation.
- Italics should be used for Latin and Ancient Greek expressions, to emphasize a word in the text, and when referring to plates and figures of the same volume.
- Greek text should be typed in a unicode font, if possible; exceptionally, legible hard copy is acceptable as well. Please check accents and diacritical signs on the printout, or add them by hand.
- Any special characters should be highlighted in the printout
- At the end of the article, give your name and address exactly as you wish them to appear in the journal.
It is recommended to include also the ORCID code (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), which uniquely identifies scientific and academic authors and contributors (information on the ORCID code: - We recommend using gender-neutral language. In the interest of readability, the use of short forms (e.g. using special characters such as *) will be avoided.
- Use automatic numbering.
- Follow the abbreviations on the list. Any further abbreviations used should be listed separately before the first footnote.
- Numbers of equal hierarchical value are separated at the end of the article. References like op. cit., loc. cit., ad loc., ibid. should not be used.
Bibliographical citations
- Monographs: Authors’ names are preceded by their initials. Titles are given in regular characters, not italics. The place and year of publication in parentheses follows the title.
e.g.: E. Berger, Das Basler Arztrelief (Basel 1970). - Collective works: Editors’ names are preceded by their initials and followed by ed. in parentheses. If there is more than one editor, the names are separated by a dash (not a hyphen). Title, place and year of publication as for monographs.
e.g.: E. Berger – R. Lullies (ed.), Antike Kunstwerke aus der Sammlung Ludwig I. Frühe Tonsarkophage und Vasen (Basel 1979). - Articles: Authors’ names as for monographs. The title (in regular characters, without quotation marks) is followed by the name and the volume number of the journal, the year of publication between commas, and the page reference (without ‘p.’), e.g.: J. D. Beazley, An Amphora by the Berlin Painter, AntK 4, 2, 1961, 49-67.
- For abbreviated journals, use our list. Use Arabic numerals for volume numbers; Roman numerals should be avoided. Abbreviations such as ff. for “following pages” should not be used; the sequence of pages should be given in full.
- The same rule applies for individual contributions to collective works. Journal and volume are replaced by “in:”, followed by the full reference to the work in question (see above). e.g.: E. Berger, Zur samischen Göttergruppe des Myron, in: P. Linant de Bellefonds et al. (ed.), Agathos daimon: mythes et cultes. Etudes d’iconographie en l’honneur de Lilly Kahil (Athens 2000) 27-30.
- CVA: museum and fascicle number; the museum need not be named if it is mentioned in the text. Classification headings (e.g. III H b) may be omitted only if the plates of the fascicle are numbered through. The year of publication (without place name) is added in parentheses.
e.g.: CVA Basel 3 (1988) 6, 3-4.
- Antike Kunst assumes that all publication and reproduction rights have been obtained by the author and accepts no responsibility for acquiring them.
- Only originals (photographs, drawings or digital data) are accepted. Digital files should be in TIFF, non-compressed JPG or EPS; 300 dpi for black and white or color photographs, 1200 dpi for line drawings. Exceptionally, published illustrations may be used if an original is impossible to obtain: indicate the source precisely and enclose a photocopy; except in the case of rare books and manuscripts, do not scan or photograph the illustration yourself.
- Enclose a list of illustrations indicating the museum or collection, inventory number, dimensions of the object (usually height) and photographic credits.
In view of the rising production costs, the editorial board is forced to reject manuscripts and illustrations that do not comply with the above guidelines.
Basel, January 2025