(ISSN 0003-5688)
ANTIKE KUNST is published annually. It contains scholarly articles in German, French, Italian and English on subjects concerning Classical art and archaeology, as well as regular reports on Swiss excavations in Mediterranean sites. The journal is internationally renowned for its excellent editing and the quality of its illustrations..
Among the subscribers to ANTIKE KUNST are archaeologists, university institutes and libraries, museums, collectors and a general public interested in ancient art and culture.
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As soon as the printed volume has been published, the entire periodical is also made available on the JSTOR platform at http://www.jstor.org. In addition, the articles and the reports of Swiss excavations in the Mediterranean region can be freely accessed (Green Open Access), after one-time registration, under Archive or Excavation Reports.
Further information can be obtained from the publisher:
Vereinigung der Freunde Antiker Kunst
c/o Universitaet Basel
Departement Altertumswissenschaften
Klassische Archaeologie
Petersgraben 51
CH-4051 Basel / Switzerland